SDSN USA New and Potential Member FAQ

What does it mean for a knowledge institution to be a SDSN USA member?

SDSN USA membership includes access to opportunities for engagement and collaboration within our national and global networks, participation in SDSN USA events, projects, working groups, and more. 

Engage with our network 

As a member, you can:

  • Join or lead working groups, events, and initiatives to achieve the SDGs and Paris Climate Agreement in the US

  • Submit initiatives and updates from your institution to be shared with our nationwide network via social media platforms and monthly newsletter

  • Receive updates targeted to US SDG activities and opportunities, particularly relevant to the context of US research & higher ed

  • Be listed on our website as a SDSN USA member

  • Gain access to mobilize, an internal, members-only platform open to a global network of 4,000+ individuals and 1,400+ institutions

Attend SDSN USA and SDSN events

SDSN USA hosts a range of events, including:

  • Monthly networking meetings

  • Annual member’s meeting

  • Regional University President’s Meetings

  • Dialogues & webinars on projects, reports, and SDG related initiatives

  • One-on-one member stewardship

Participate in SDSN USA Projects 

Since 2018, SDSN USA has undertaken initiatives focused on: (1) Climate & Energy; (2) Diversity, Equity & Justice; (3) SDG 2: Zero Hunger; (4) Tracking SDG Progress; and (5) SDG 4: Education. We invite our members to share their expertise on the following ongoing projects, or create new collaborations on these or other topics related to the SDGs:

  • SDG Localization including national, regional, and local net zero pathways

  • Diversity, Equity, and Justice for Sustainability Working Group

  • The Zero Hunger Pathways Project

  • Mission 4.7 USA Community of Practice

What does it mean to be a focal point?

In order to best engage our member institutions, SDSN USA seeks a focal point to act as a liaison between their institution and our network. We are looking for someone who is: 

  • Interested to engage in events and initiatives, and able to share opportunities with colleagues and departments across your institution

  • Able to be a point of contact/representative for the institution within the SDSN USA and SDSN global networks

  • Committed to the principles of Leave No One Behind and the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Ability to act as a decision maker and provide feedback on behalf of member institution, as required

  • Able to serve as an institutional point of contact for SDSN Youth (where applicable)

Can my institution have multiple focal points?

Yes, a member institution may identify up to three focal points, though we recommend a central point of contact for maximum efficiency. Members can request an exception to this on an individual basis.

There are others within my organization who would be interested to engage with the network. Is engagement limited only to focal points? Are there restrictions on how others engage?

Anyone from a member institution is welcome to engage fully with the network, attend events, participate in projects and initiatives, and to join the mobilize platform. The focal point(s) ideally will promote and share network initiatives across their institution to identify and engage others to join projects and attend events relevant to their interests.

What is the “ideal background” of a focal point?

There is no ideal background for a focal point! Currently, researchers, faculty, department heads, sustainability officers, administration staff, and more serve as focal points for institutions. The most critical component for successful network engagement is not what your title or role is, but how you connect with others on this agenda across your organization and within the network.

What are my responsibilities as a focal point?

The focal point serves as the main point of contact for network engagement, and acts as a decision-maker for the institution within the network. A focal point is also a liaison between SDSN USA and their institution, connecting experts with network initiatives, and sharing events and opportunities from their institution with the network. We also ask that you complete an annual member survey for your institution, and may reach out with ad hoc questions or opportunities related to specific initiatives throughout the year.

What is my role in current SDSN USA projects like the Zero Carbon Action Plan, Zero Hunger Pathways Project, and Diversity, Equity, and Justice Working Group?

As working groups form and projects are established, open meetings are held with network members to gain insight and identify contributors and advisors. Focal points join working groups, help connect experts from their organization to these initiatives, and build awareness of these initiatives. Engagement varies from project to project and institution to institution, there is no defined or required way to engage.

How can I reach out to SDSN USA staff to share my institution’s related work, voice questions and concerns, or get involved in current SDSN USA priorities?

The best way to reach the SDSN USA team is via email to You can also keep up-to-date on our upcoming events at, follow us on Twitter (@sdsnusa) and LinkedIn (SDSN USA) or join our mailing list for regular updates! 

What we won’t ask you for:

  • Dues! While we are open to and interested in joint fundraising opportunities, there is, and will not be, a financial commitment to joining the SDSN network.

  • A specific time commitment - this network is member-driven, and our initiatives succeed when people take on, and follow through with, commitments to specific initiatives or engagement within their institution to “spread the word.” The level of engagement, however, is determined by the focal point.